SPL Veteran's Collection


The Sharon Public Library's Veteran's collection was funded in part by the federal LSTA (Library Services and Technology Act) program, with funding provided by the Institute of Museum of Library Services (IMLS) in collaboration with Texas A&M University.

 For many veterans returning from the Middle East, the transition to civilian life can be very difficult. The purpose of this collection is to provide much-needed resources to assist veterans - and their families - with this. It is our hope that these materials will provide useful information to make veterans lives easier and help provide them with direction for their future. 

 The collection includes resources for military spouses and their dependents on PTSD, mental health and substance use; how to apply for veteran benefits; and guides for technical and occupational careers, higher education, and general career services.  Digital audiobooks are also included in the Veterans Collection. These resources are available to download to hand-held devices via Overdrive and the Libby app.

The Council on Aging's Knittn' Nanas are providing lap blankets for this collection. They are free of charge and the supply will be replenished as needed. A special thank you to Helen Earley for arranging these contributions.

The Veterans Collection is located in the Reference/Periodicals Room.

Resources from the Department of Veterans Affairs

Resources and Support


Are you a Veteran in crisis or concerned about one?

You're not alone—the Veterans Crisis Line is here for you.

You don't have to be enrolled in VA benefits or health care to call.






Make the Connection

Find Stories Like Yours

Veterans and their loved ones talk about their experiences, challenges, and recovery.