Ongoing Groups

SPL Book Discussion Group

Facilitated by Susan Eggimann, Head of Adult & Technology Services. Contact Susan at or 781.784.1578 ext.1422 for information.

  • This is a drop in group, no registration required.

  • Meets in the Library's Community Room monthly, from September to June, on the 4th Thursday (the week prior if a holiday) at 1:00 PM.

  • Copies of each month's book are available for checkout at the main Circulation Desk.

  • Sign up for our SPL Book Discussion Group Newsletter to stay up-to-date with meeting announcements and book selections.

    • Patrons may unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time. If you have unsubscribed, but wish to resubscribe, please contact

  • Book List and Meeting Dates for 2024-2025

Casual Crafting

Starting in January 2025! Bring your current craft project to work on and meet other crafters! We'll have a few supplies on hand if you're in between projects or looking to try something new. Facilitated by Emily Heath, Information Services Librarian. Contact Emily at or 781.784.1578 ext.1429 with questions.

  • This is a drop-in group, no registration required

  • Meets on the fourth Wednesday of the month from 6:30pm-7:45pm in the Community Room