Massachusetts Center for the Book

2024 Reading Challenge

What is it?

  • The Mass Center for the Book Reading Challenge gives adults a chance to set and meet the goal of reading a book each month in a specific category and to share their experience within their reading community. Learn more at


How Do I Participate?

  • It’s easy! Choose and read a book that fits the monthly challenge. After you’ve finished the book, fill out the official Mass Center for the Book Monthly Entry Form at

  • Dedicated readers will be invited to a year-end celebration hosted by Mass Center for the Book.

  • If you would also like to participate within the SPL Community, fill out the 2024 Reading Challenge slip and drop it in the blue submission box (located upstairs below the TV) or submit your read via our online form here*. We will anonymously share our Community’s reads throughout the year!


Free Books!? A Raffle!?

  • Yes! New to 2024, Mass Center for the Book will be drawing two names on the last day of each month to win a free book.

  • In addition, participants who read a book and submit a monthly entry form in each of the 12 months will be entered in a drawing to win 1 of 2 totes filled with books and Massachusetts goodies, courtesy of Mass Center for the Book.



2024 Monthly Topics

  • January: A book you read years ago that you may feel different about now
  • February: A book with a color in the title
  • March: A book whose protagonist has a different culture or lifestyle from you
  • April: A book about nature, the environment, or climate change
  • May: A graphic novel
  • June: A book that inspired a film or television series
  • July: A book by an author born outside of the United States
  • August: A book whose title starts with the same letter as your birthday month
  • September: A debut book by a Massachusetts author
  • October: A book about a time in history you'd like to know more about
  • November: A relaxing, soul-soothing book
  • December: A well-reviewed book in your least favorite genre


*Sharing your reads in the SPL Community submission box or online form does not count as an official monthly entry for the Massachusetts Center of the Book challenge or raffle. If you decide to share your read with the SPL Community, be sure to also submit the official Mass Center for the Book Monthly Entry form at